Monday, December 26, 2011

Grammar Gremlins - Be Rid of Them and Sound Smarter

!±8± Grammar Gremlins - Be Rid of Them and Sound Smarter

Grammar and other usage errors grate on the ears of people in the know--just as fingernails on a chalkboard do. There are several good reasons for knowing and using correct or polished grammar: you sound smarter in the worlds of education and business, you have more confidence in your ability to speak to anyone, and you can guide your children to learn the right way to speak right from the start. Here are my top 10 grammar gripes. There are more than ten that occur frequently in basic, everyday American English that we could work on to repair. These are presented in recognition of May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, but our collective attention to correct language usage is needed every day of the year.

Before getting started, realize as you read that some of my topics and examples will sound incorrect to you. That will be because you are so used to hearing yourself and others make these errors daily, and you think the wrong way is right. Check these out by doing a quick online search of grammar errors. Using the format of a popular late-night television host, I will count backwards from number 10 to number 1, saving my personal most-gruesome grammar gremlin for last.

10. Subject-Verb Disagreement:

I hear subjects and verbs "argue" in everyday speech uttered by everyday people and by people who broadcast the news. We need more agreement in this world! We all know what singular and plural mean. If the subject is singular, the verb must be, also. Similarly, if the subject is plural, the verb must be. Use your knowledge to check if you usage is correct. "One" means one, right? The number one is singular, so you must use a singular verb such as "is". This applies to the words everyone, anyone, each person, no one, nobody, and none. The word couple, as in a married couple, represents a singular entity, so it must have a singular verb, also. The words data and bacteria are actually plural words, so they must have plural verbs-really. I'm amazed how many people with advanced science knowledge don't realize this.


Everyone must bring his or her permission slip back. (Not: Everyone must bring their permission slips back.)Ć¢EUR¨

None was home. (NOT: None were home.)

The couple was on vacation. (NOT: The couple were on vacation.)

The data are wrong. (NOT: The data is wrong.)

There are bacteria on everything. (NOT: There's bacteria on everything.)

9. Subject and Object Pronoun Scramble:

The use of "I" as a subject pronoun and "me" as an object pronoun should be clear to most people. So, line up I, he, she, we, and they as subject pronouns to use before verbs. Keep me, him, her, us, and them as object pronouns to use after verbs. It seems the most common error occurs when people forget their manners and don't let others go first, figuratively speaking. When talking about yourself and someone else, use the pronoun for the other person first.


She and I went to the concert together. (NOT: Her and I went..., or, worse yet, Her and me went, or Me and her went....)

Mom gave it to her and me. (The "check" on this is to break out each part to see if it is right. In this case, Mom gave it to her, and Mom gave it to me are both correct.) It is NOT correct to say, Mom gave it to she and I.

8. Past Tense Verb Switch Out:

I still rehearse some of the verb "declensions" I learned in high school. I hope they are still being taught; it would help people to know the right forms. Let's toss the past participles (used with "have") into this section, too, to add clarity. Here we go with some declensions of common verbs:

drink drank drunk

sink sank sunk

swim swam swum

run ran run

go went gone

see saw seen


I drank all of my milk. (Not: I drunk all of my milk.)

I have drunk 4 glasses of water. (NOT: I have drank.)

I went to the store.

I have already gone to the store. (NOT: I have went....)

I swam ten laps.

I have swum ten laps.

7. It's No Lie: Lie vs. Lay is a Top Tripper-Upper:

This usage error can actually be embarrassing.

Conjugate these:

lie lay lain* lying (*use with have: have lain)-Use this to mean reclining: He lies around all day. She lay in bed with a fever. I have lain in bed for days. I am lying on the couch because I don't feel well.

Lay laid laid* laying (*use with have: have laid)-Use this to mean placing something, and always use an object word with it: I lay the book on the table. I laid my coat on the chair. I have laid my keys somewhere, and now I can't find them. I am laying my stuff out on the floor to dry.

6. Contractions vs. Possessives Puzzlers:

The apostrophe in a contraction replaces one or more letters that have been removed. It's = It is. They're = They are. We use the apostrophe to show possession when we state a subject's name but not with the pronoun for that same subject. Avoid making the "apostrophe sprinkling" error on pronouns --double check what you are really saying. Watch your use of your and you're. They should be pronounced differently, too.


The dog was wagging its tail. (NOT: The dog was wagging it's tail. Check this error: The dog is wagging it is tail-NOT!)

They're going to the game. (Check it: They are going to the game. NOT: Their going to the game.)

You're really going to like this. (Check it: You are really going to like this. NOT: Your really going to like this.)

I want to see your new car. (NOT: I want to see you're new car-which would check out as, I want to see you are new car.)

Tip: Pronounce your as "yore" and you're as "yoo-er" to help you keep these two straight.

5. Comma Conundrum:

One of the most common "comma sprinkling" errors I see is the use of a comma where one is not needed. There should be a comma between two clauses that can each "stand alone" as separate sentences without the conjunction (and, but, so, etc.)


We drove to the mountains, and we stayed in a really cute cabin. (This is correct because each clause is a separate complete sentence: We drove to the mountains. We stayed in a really cute cabin.)

There should NOT be a comma between one independent (stand alone) clause and one dependent (incomplete sentence) clause.

We drove to the mountains, and stayed in a really cute cabin. WRONG

We drove to the mountains and stayed in a really cute cabin. RIGHT

4. May vs. Can Switcheroo:

May is defined as being permitted or allowed and can is defined as being able to. If someone asks, "Can I go with you?" the correct answer really is, "I don't know, are you able to?" Enough said. I really wish parents would teach children to ask, "May I...?" rather than, "Can I?" I don't know why "May I" has apparently become viewed as stilted or too hard for a child to say. It actually is easier for young children to pronounce the /m/ sound in may than the /k/ sound in can.

3. Less vs. Fewer Fritz Out:

This one's simple and used so annoyingly incorrectly in a lot of advertising these days. Use less for "mass nouns" that represent things that have an amount that can't be counted and use fewer for "count nouns" that can be counted.


Calories can be counted, so something can be said to have fewer calories.

This beer has fewer calories than our other beers. (NOT: less calories!)

Hair is usually thought of in a mass (when is the last time you counted strands of hair?) so use the word less for this one.

My daughter has less hair than my son did at this age.

2. When a Guy is Not a Guy:

We're getting close to my top pet peeve on this one. I detest the expression, "How are you guys tonight?" most especially when I am being greeted by someone at a nice place (restaurant, hotel, etc.) My response inside my head is always a simmering, "I'm not a 'guy'." The word you is just fine all by itself, thank you very much. Try saying, "How are you?" the next time you greet someone. It truly sounds terrific.

1. Who vs. That Craziness:

Since when is a dog a person and a person an animal or inanimate object? I know we love our pets and often personify them, but they are not people. The word who was designed for people, and it needs to stay that way, unless we are ready to switch places with animals and machines. If I collected every time I heard or read these two pronouns misused on television or in magazines, I could pay my mortgage with that money each month. Watch how often a dog, company, or other non-human is referred to with the word who and how often a person is assigned the pronoun that. If you start noticing, you will feel as crazy as I do. I am sorry about that!

If you have read to the end and are thanking me right now for enlightening you on a few or more of these language blunders, I will say, 'You're welcome" to you rather than another expression I love to hate which is, "No problem." That expression makes me growl. Grrr.

Grammar Gremlins - Be Rid of Them and Sound Smarter

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Tour of Empire's Kennesaw School Are you living in the Kennesaw, GA area and wondering what the choices are for local beauty schools? Did you know that there's an Empire Beauty School campus right in your backyard? Come take a virtual tour with Samuel and check out what we have to offer. Our first stop is the front desk. This is where we book all of our incoming clients and where we answer any calls. We have just organized a chart with all of today's clients matched up with some of our students who are working on the salon floor. Next to the front desk is our retail station. We sell all of the products we use on the salon to our clients so they can use the items at home. Everything you can find on the salon floor, you can buy right here. Right now, our 360 students are practicing on the floor with mannequin heads, perfecting their styling techniques. Laquita is having a great time. She says that Empire has really helped her sharpen her skills. Jasmine is checking that all students have what they need and retrieves any products if necessary. Our next stop is the core classroom. The students are working on hair cutting. One student is working on an angle cut, while another works on the 180 cut. At Empire, we have great educators so you'll learn quickly, just like these students. In our senior classroom, students are learning about business management. They'll be graduating in about a month, so they're learning how to run a salon business and take care of their team. Our kit, which each ...

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sharpening the arched beard microburst on the Norton 4000/8000 cutting stone

Read the blogue: The shear was tested and initially dose not fully cut a dry tissue as seen in the beginning of the video. Taken apart each blade is sharpened on the ride and on the convex edge as shown. Then at the end of the video it is again tested with a dry tissue and dose cut properly, with a clean cut. Now it is a good tool for cutting hair. I did other things to the shown shear to get it in top shape not shown in the video. Stropping for example. I wanted to show in general is done to sharpen a convex shear. When I first got started in this I found it difficult to visualize. I wanted to give an idea of how a convex shear is sharpened. If a person knows certian things like how to do the ride line with the right pressure and sharpening the convex edge they can successfully restore a scissor. When I sharpen professionally I use a electric sharpener of my own design which I may in the future put on. Most sharpeners use a electric sharpeners. Some of sharpeners actually harm shears. Most all sharpeners still use a stone to do the ride lines. Probably the original Japanese originators of the convex scissors just used a stone as I show in this video. This is a convex edge hair scissor that all hair stylists use. Most house scissors and fabric scissors are beveled edge scissors and are sharpened much differently. Convexed scissors are just for cutting hair. Can you now sharpen a pair of hair scissors as a result of ...

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hairdressing Scissors - How to Take Proper Care For Maximum Durability and Efficiency

!±8± Hairdressing Scissors - How to Take Proper Care For Maximum Durability and Efficiency

Hairdressing scissors are one of the most important tools for any hairstylist. They are used day-in and day-out for various types of hairstyling jobs. Also the scissors are available in different types to accomplish a variety of cutting techniques. So every professional hairstylist uses different types of hair shears to achieve the required results.

One of the important factors while choosing hairdressing scissors is the quality. It is imperative to choose quality tools as they will provide efficient results. Also, due to the availability of different types of hairdressing scissors in the market, it is easy to make a mistake while purchasing them. Therefore one should always buy the required hairstyling tools from reputed and branded companies.

But merely purchasing the best quality tools from reputed companies does not mean that you can use them at your will. Just like every part of a vehicle needs proper care to ensure its stability and functioning, similarly, hairdressing scissors too need proper care. Since they are used on a regular basis, they are prone to the wear and tear. And therefore proper care and maintenance must be taken to retain their efficiency and increase the durability.

Let us see the three most important steps to make sure that your quality hair shears remain fit for longer periods of time.

1. Cleaning: Cleaning the hair-dressing scissors frequently is absolutely vital to prolong the durability. After every haircut, the scissors must be washed in warm soap water. Since most of the scissors are made up of stainless steel, proper care must be taken to prevent any damage. Sometimes, scissors slip out while cleaning and either hit the sink or the ground. This may damage either the blades or the pointed tip, which can depreciate its performance. So be very careful while cleaning them.

2. Drying: Drying the scissors after cleaning them is also very important. While wiping the scissors, a clean and soft towel must be used. Never leave the scissors to air dry as some amount of water will remain accumulated near the joints. Also, be careful while wiping the blades as sharp edges might lead to injuries.

3. Lubricating: Due to regular usage, hairstylists sometimes experience a jammed feeling in their professional hair shears. To avoid such instances, regular lubrication is very necessary. Any mild oil can be used to apply at the joint or the meeting point of the blades. The blades of the hairdressing scissors must be opened wide before applying the oil. And after application, the blades should be opened and closed several times so that the oil reaches deeper.

Once these three steps are completed, the scissors should be put in a pouch. Never leave the scissors on the table or boxes or trays as the edges will be exposed and that may lead to damage.

All quality and expensive hair shears are helpful to a hairstylist. Improper maintenance of the same will lead to various problems, thereby reducing the efficiency and quality of a haircut. So take good care of your hairdressing scissors to achieve high efficiency and durability in all your hair-care techniques.

Hairdressing Scissors - How to Take Proper Care For Maximum Durability and Efficiency

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ergonomic Swivel Hair Cutting Scissors - Shisato Orion - Scissor Mall

Caralee Dunbabin of Shear Technology demonstrates how to use a swivel hair cutting scissor and how comfortable this shear can be for hair stylists, especially for those who suffer from back and hand pains, carpel tunnel, or bursitis. If you have any questions for Caralee, please ask her in the comments area below. For more information, visit

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Products International Limited tional_ltd-b154125 Stay sharp with Products International Limited. We're blade sharpening experts and can bring almost any tool back to life. Whether you need lawn mower blades, knives, or hair clippers sharpened, we can do the job. Let us take care of your shovels, scissors, and more. We offer free pick up and delivery.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Cut Your Kids' Hair With an Electric Razor and Hair Scissors

!±8± Cut Your Kids' Hair With an Electric Razor and Hair Scissors

If you have a few kids at home, then you are probably all too familiar with the pricey trip to salon. Just a couple of kids' haircuts can set you back big time. If you arm yourself with the know-how and the right equipment, you will be set to save time and money. Of course, you will need to first invest in a high quality hair scissors and if you have boys, an electric razor or hair cutting kit. Don't try this without the right tools. A dull kitchen knife will leave you hating yourself and your kids will never let you touch their hair again.

It's best to start this process when your kids are still young. This is not only because it's an acceptable age for them to have a less than perfect cut, but it gives you a chance to hone your skills before they face a class full of critics. You will not only have to get the hang of it, but slowly teach your child the importance of holding still. With a little practice, you both can work together and achieve great styles at home at a fraction of the cost.

There are a variety of hair scissors available and they will vary based on your needs. The major types are thinning shears, styling shears, tempered shears and left-handed shears. They are designed to perform different tasks and be held in different ways. Short blades are designed for close touchups around the ear. Long blades are ideal for cutting thick hair.

If you are cutting boys' hair, you will probably make use of an electric razor in addition to the hair scissors. You can pick one up at most major stores packaged with a variety of blade sizes. This will help you easily customize the length of the hair.

Cut Your Kids' Hair With an Electric Razor and Hair Scissors

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Shopping for Hair Shears

!±8± Shopping for Hair Shears

Whether you're a seasoned professional hairdresser or just starting out, high-quality hair shears are the tools you'll use to work your magic. Hairdressing scissors sets come in a variety of prices, styles and combinations, so shop around and discover the set that works best for you.

When shopping for a pair of long-lasting hair shears, pay attention to what they're made of. In addition to razor-sharp edges, good shears are made of steel that will cut clean and hold its edge for thousands of cuts. High-end blades are made of steel alloys mixed and layered for added strength. Some are even coated with titanium to maintain fast cutting action and longer durability.

Investing in the right hair shears can also help you avoid carpal tunnel syndrome and other work-related injuries common among professional hair stylists. Lightweight shears can help minimize hand fatigue, and some shears even have holes punched on the blade to make them lighter. Ergonomic handles and thumb openings allow for more comfort and easy hand positioning. If you are left-handed, consider buying shears specifically designed for lefties. There are even shears made specifically to help stylists cope with or prevent carpal tunnel problems. The handles are at 90 degrees from the blade for more hand comfort and a relaxed body position.

Of course, price is always a factor in purchasing decisions, and professional-quality hair shears come in a wide range of price points. Budget-friendly yet high in quality, student shears are a good selection for cosmetology students or other professionals just starting out in the field. You can purchase two-shear sets for less than 0. Superior student scissors are a fundamental investment that can take the cosmetology student from classroom. Established stylists can spend over 00 on a single pair of high-end shears that come with 30-day money back guarantees and lifetime warranties.

Shopping for Hair Shears

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